3K Staff Development/Closing Schedule 2023-2024
Date Day Event
September 7th Thursday First Day of School
September 25th Monday Yom Kippur
October 9th Monday Italian Heritage/Indigenous People’s Day
November 7th Tuesday Professional Learning-Program Closed
November 22th Tuesday Parent/Provider Conference (Early Dismissal)
November 23rd-24th Thursday-Friday Thanksgiving
December 25th-29th Monday-Friday Winter Recess
January 1st Monday New Year’s Day
January 15th Monday Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
February 19th-23rd Monday-Friday Midwinter Recess
March 21st Thursday Parent/Provider Conference (Early Dismissal)
March 29th-April 1st Friday-Monday Easter Weekend
April 10th Wednesday Eid al-Fitr
April 22nd-30th Monday-Friday Spring Recess
May 27th Monday Memorial Day
June 6th Thursday Professional Learning-Program Closed
June 7th Friday Clerical Day-Program Closed
June 19th Wednesday Juneteenth
June 26th Wednesday Last Day of School